NAPA Recognizes Granite With 92 Awards and Commendations
Granite has received 92 awards and commendations from the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA), recognizing the company’s plant operations, paving operations, and adherence to best practices. The following awards were presented at NAPA’s 70th annual meeting in Maui, HI.
Community Involvement Award
The Community Involvement Award recognizes companies with well-rounded community relations programs.
Lehman-Roberts/Memphis Stone & Gravel won the award for the third consecutive year for its Community Engagement program. The program engaged 92% of their employees, who contributed 1,400 volunteer hours across 26 community initiatives. The cornerstone of this community engagement program is the annual MLK Day of Service. In 2024, the company coordinated with more than a dozen non-profits across the greater Memphis area and northern Mississippi. Employees completed nearly 40 service projects for MLK Day of Service in 2024. In addition, LR/MSG also engaged the community through several on-site field trips, career days, donations/sponsorships to local schools/community centers, and more.
Asphalt Operations Safety Innovation Finalist
- Lehman-Roberts/Memphis Stone & Gravel was named a finalist for their Hazardous Energy Control Program (LOTO) Initiative. This safety protocol features color-coded locks and cabinet stations at all plant sites, with detailed procedures accessible via QR codes. Employees and contractors use assigned color-coded locks to secure equipment during maintenance. This standardized approach across both asphalt and mining wash plants streamlines training and improves communication between employees and contractors.
Diamond Commendations
The Diamond Commendation Program is a nationally recognized effort to document and promulgate best practices for asphalt plant operations, terminal operations, asphalt production, and paving. Diamond Achievement Commendation covers operations in the manufacturing plant and around the plant site. Aspects addressed include appearance, operations, environmental practices, safety, permitting and regulatory compliance, and community relations. The Diamond Achievement Sustainable Commendation assesses the social, economic, and environmental efforts of an asphalt production facility to gauge how well it puts the principles of sustainability and community engagement into action. The Diamond Quality Commendation evaluates quality management, RAP and aggregate handling, asphalt storage, drying and mixing, air quality, truck scales, silos, and control room. The Paving Commendations recognize extraordinary paving crews, while the Diamond Quality Commendations recognize excellence in site operations. Granite received a total of 64 commendations in the following categories:
Diamond Achievement Commendation with Sustainable: 25
Baker Flats Asphalt Plant
Big Rock AC Plant
Bradshaw Asphalt Plant
Coalinga Hot Plant
DCAC Plant
Five Bridges
Hanford Asphalt Plant
Hermiston Asphalt Plant
Highway 175
James Road Asphalt Plant
Lee Vining
Martin Asphalt Plant
Moses Lake Asphalt Plant
North State Street AC
Salinas Asphalt Plant
Santa Clara Asphalt Facility
Selah Asphalt Plant
Singer Asphalt Plant
Smith Island Asphalt Plant
Tangerine Asphalt Plant
Vancouver Asphalt Plant
Ventura Hot-/Warm-Mix Plant
Vernalis Asphalt Plant
Diamond Achievement Commendation: 6
Felton Asphalt Plant
French Camp Asphalt Plant
Gardner Plant
Plant 10 Byhalia – Lehman-Roberts/Memphis Stone & Gravel
Plant 5 Memphis – Lehman-Roberts/Memphis Stone & Gravel
Plant 7 Batesville – Lehman-Roberts/Memphis Stone & Gravel
Diamond Paving Commendations: 34
Granite Construction - Vancouver, WA
Granite Construction Yakima Paving Crew
Granite Construction Pasco Paving Crew
Granite Construction Everett Paving Crew
Granite Construction Bellingham Paving Crew
Bakers Flats Asphalt Plant
Big Rock Hot Mix Asphalt Plant
Bradshaw Asphalt Plant
Coalinga Hot Plant
Cottonwood Heights Facility
Dallesport Asphalt Plant
Ellensburg Hot Plant
Five Bridges
French Camp Asphalt Plant
Gardner Plant
Hanford Asphalt Plant
Hermiston Asphalt Plant
Indio Hot-Mix Asphalt Plant
James Road Hot Plant
Lee Vining
Martin Asphalt Plant
Moses Lake Asphalt Plant
North State Street AC
Omak Hot Plant
Salinas Asphalt Plant
Selah Asphalt Plant
Singer Asphalt Plant
Smith Island Asphalt Plant
Solari Hot Plant
Swan Road Plant
Vancouver Asphalt Plant
Ventura Hot-/Warm-Mix Plant
Vernalis Asphalt Plant
West Haven Asphalt Plant
Quality in Construction (QIC) Awards
NAPA’s Quality in Construction Award recognizes excellence in asphalt paving for three categories of projects: those under 50,000 tons of asphalt, those over 50,000 tons, and airport pavement projects. “It is an honor to have so many of our paving projects recognized by NAPA,” said Granite Director of Materials Quality and NAPA technical committee member Marty McNamara. “Our teams are focused on excellence in project execution, and it is gratifying to see our hard work acknowledged.”
Granite received a total of 26 QIC awards:
Airport Paving: 3
Highway Paving (<50,000 tons): 17
General Paving (>50,000 tons): 6
Complete NAPA QIC Awards List:
Airport Paving
- Columbia Gorge Regional Airport
- San Jose Airport Taxiway V, Phase I
- Lemoore Naval Air Station - Runway Repair 32 L
Highway Paving (<50,000 Tons)
- Old Highway Road; Trapper's Loop to North Morgan
- 900 East; 3900 S to 4500 S, Safety/Recon Millcreek
- E Fourth Plain Blvd NHS Resurfacing - Ft Vancouver Way to Andresen Rd
- SR-190; Pavement Preservation
- City of Salinas Pavement Maintenance 2022-2023
- Mussel Shoals Highway 101 Reconstruction
- Hwy 395 Dunmovin
- SR-39; Limestone to Cache Co.
- Highway 1 Navarro Point
- Caltrans (08-1N6504) Route 62 Rehabilitation Project
- SR 196, Fayette Co. – Lehman-Roberts/Memphis Stone & Gravel
- SR-35 MP 0 to 12.35
- SR 14 I-205 to SE 164th Ave. Aux Lanes
- Highway 1 Rockport
- I-5, I-205, SR 14, SR 500 Clark County Ramps Paving
- Richardson Highway MP 106.5-115 Resurfacing & MP 111.5 Turn Lanes & Copper Center Visitor Center Pavement Preservation
- Knik-Goose Bay Road Reconstruction Phase 1 - Fairview Loop to Centaur Avenue
General Paving (>50,000 Tons)
- I-55, Panola Co. – Lehman-Roberts/Memphis Stone & Gravel
- US26: Wapinitia Junction - Warm Springs River Sec.
- SR41 Kettleman City
- NDOT 4500 Topaz
- I-5 HMA and RHMA Overlay Nees to Shields, Fresno County CA
- Highway 101 Ridgewood Grade