Granite is a national leader in tunneling, completing more than $1 billion in tunnel projects in the last 10 years alone. Constantly innovating, Granite has developed leading tunneling technologies, such as the first continuous horizontal and vertical muck removal system, which greatly increases speed while maintaining the highest levels of safety.

As the first contractor in the world to mine hard rock with a 30-foot diameter Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM), Kenny has highly automated the entire tunneling process, reducing tunneling costs. In predominantly urban applications, tunnel boring is a quick, safe and cost-effective alternative to laying surface rails and roads.

Factors such as soil conditions, groundwater conditions, length, diameter and depth of the tunnel are assessed by in-house tunneling experts. We skillfully perform cut-and-cover, bored tunnel, drilling and blasting techniques for both transit and utility tunnels.

Naming TBMs with a female name has been a mining tradition for Saint Barbara, the patron of miners, to protect workers as they work underground. In keeping with tradition, tunneling machines are still named before the digging begins.